I'm constantly busy. It goes without saying that no matter how far back I look I've always been doing something that I felt was going to be something great or something special.
Everytime I'd finish a project I had 2 things on my mind. The first was, yay the project is going to be done and I can finally rest for a bit... the other is I can't wait to show people this. .... but every time I finish a project I've already got 3 more waiting to be finished!
Right now I've got 7 songs waiting to be recorded (possibly 9 now), 4 huge video ideas, an EP to release, a show to prepare for with Driftless Pony Club and Searchlight in October, and all the while doing this I have to move out of my apartment on the 15th and decide once and for all just where I'm going to live from now on.
It's a lot and it's easy to get burnt out... but no matter how much it is it's always exciting and I feel if I'm not doing anything I'm just wasting time. Even if I stop for a break just to play a video game there's a point while playing where I think.... I should work on lyrics or a recording or practicing or anything that's not this video game.
It's overwhelming and I bring it onto myself, happily. I've always felt this need since I was little. When I was younger and a really big fan of NASCAR I built an exact replica in 1/64th scale of Bristol Motor Speedway out of cardboard, screen (for fencing), and paint. And when I got too old for that I had started playing instruments and within the first year of playing guitar I was writing songs. They were BAD, but they were songs at least!
I wonder to myself how some people can spend their time negating their talents and putting them aside when they could be using them. Some people get discouraged because they don't think anyone was watching, or looking, or cares at all. I know that feeling all too well.
I guess I like the rule that no matter how many people are watching, looking, viewing, enjoying... whether it's 10 people or 2 million people. Do your best, use your talents, and don't ever let discouragement from one project stop you from moving onto the next. you need to impress and make yourself happy before you can make anyone else happy.
So with that said.... back to projects!